Friday, June 09, 2006

Lammy Gets Her Come-Uppens

It is the opinion of this rag that Lammy is getting what she deserves. She has brought all this upon herself with her snotty attitude. First she snubbed Harry to go with the Axe Man of the Death Cheese Group and then rejected him without provocation. Then she teased Agelon of the Pansi Files, but was blatantly spurned by him. She also screwed up her chances with the nice Sandwich Head Man. After finally being turned away from her attempts at a same sex affair with cult leader Brittney (also of Pansi Files), she has been spotted carousing outside Ugly Grace's late at night with Flowering Kudzu.


Anonymous said...

Next stop, skid row.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minit! Furst Lammy gets my hops up then crushes my tenderized heart, then just when I think that Flowering Kudu is actually a pretty ok chik and maybe I can hav the Spooky Guy baby sit her rug monkeys so her and me can make sum time, Lammy puts the moves on Flowering Kudu??? Man this chik is more looser than Wolfie's slut grand niece the lesbian porno star!

Anonymous said...

Axe, you ignorant slob, for once you best listen! Are you freakin' deaf?? I already said that I will NOT under any circumstances mind Flowery Kudzu's spawn. 66 Soggy Spawn are enough and they are surely better behaved than that multitude that Ms. Flowery Kudzu has popped out over the years. I think she has 25 or something. Even though Bela and myself have enlisted the help of his friend the great movie director Ed Wood in Operation Spawn Watch, this is still hardly enough people to watch 66 creatures, let alone 91.
By the way if a couple people named Roger and Anita come around here tell them that I've been exorcised. I'm not starting a pet sitting service to care for their 1,000,001 Dalmatians either!

Anonymous said...

Mine grand niece ist der model fur der fine arts classes! Quit mit der dirty talk about her!

Anonymous said...

Guys! Quit arguing! She just set them in front of the TV or the video game console, and you won't even know they're there, unless the house burns down.

Anonymous said...

This is good news about Flowery Kudzu's spawn. But I'm still worried about those damn dalmatians! Who knew the afterlife could be so messy?